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Katharine's research examines the causal impact of public policy decisions on the lived experiences of PK-12 students, teachers, and families. Her work prioritizes collaborative partnerships with policymakers and practitioners, drawing on her own prior professional experiences in both roles. She has a particular interest in examining the impact of policies with equity implications for historically underserved populations.

Malhotra, K. P. (2024). Whose IDEA is this? An examination of the effectiveness

of inclusive education. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (in press). Publisher's Version.


     Press Coverage: We Are Teachers​



Malhotra, K. P. (2024). Charter schools and special education: Systemic challenges and opportunities for innovation. Journal of School Choice, 1-21. Publisher's Version.



Cohodes, S. R. & Parham, K. S. (2021). Charter schools' effectiveness, mechanisms, and competitive influence. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press.

Publisher's Version. NBER Version


     Press Coverage: Chalkbeat



Wohlstetter, P., Flack, C., Kim, B., and Parham, K. (2021). The equity implications of career and technical education in the era of ESSA.” Review of Educational Research, 91(3): 356-396. Publisher's Version


     Press Coverage:  TC Newsroom

Journal Articles

Under Review

Malhotra, K. P. (Under review). A unified conceptual framework for decisionmaking on inclusive education for students with disabilities.



Malhotra, K. P. (Under review). Inclusive education economies: The costs of enhancing access for students with disabilities.



Attaway, D. S., Malhotra, K. P., & Atteberry, A. (Under review). Experimental evidence on the effect of full-day pre-kindergarten on early elementary special education designations.

Works in Progress

New evidence on how financial bonus amounts affect teacher retention, with Allison Atteberry, Justin Doromal, and Deiby Mayaris Cubides Mateus.



The impact of Louisiana’s April Dunn Act on graduation and postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities, with Elizabeth Huffaker.



The effect of full-day pre-kindergarten on English language learner progress in the early grades: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial, with Allison Atteberry.

Policy Reports and Public Commentary

Wohlstetter, P., & Parham, K. (2021, January 3). “It’s Time for Boldness, Not Retreat: Centering School Reopening Efforts Around Addressing Inequities.” TC Newsroom. Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016). Exceptional Circumstances: A Blog Series on Issues in Early Childhood Special Education. Policy Paper. Washington, DC: New America.

Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, July 21). “New Report: Extended School Day May Not Be Improving Early Reading in Florida.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America. Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, June 8). “Local Communities Are Stepping Up to Fund Pre-K.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America. Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, May 5). “5 Things Teachers Aren't Learning About How Children Learn.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America. Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, April 7). “Reading Recovery Program Closing Literacy Gap for Early Readers.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America.

Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, February 25). “Nationwide Bipartisan Trend: State Pre-K Funding Increases.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America. Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, February 11). “Closing the Gap: What Effective Teaching Can Do in the Early Years.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America.

Publisher's Version.



Parham, K. S. (2016, January 29). “Universal Pre-K Could More Than Pay for Itself.” Education Policy Blog. Washington, DC: New America. Publisher's Version.



© 2024 by Katharine Parham Malhotra

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